
Manage production and improve its efficiency!

The ERP system in manufacturing allows you to gain detailed knowledge about all orders. Facilitates service management. It allows you to save time, and most of all – you will save money! See how production is supported by Dynamics 365.

ERP system in manufacturing Dynamics 365. One tool that will handle all processes in your company. It is possible thanks to integration with the areas of accounting and finance.

Manufacturing with Dynamics 365 – support regardless of production type

Your company manufactures products in a process, discreet or mixed way. Regardless of the type of manufacturing, it is important to maintain a high level of productivity, a low level of own costs and constantly develop.

Dynamics 365 is a system that supports companies in sales and distribution at every stage. It allows you to easily manage quotations, bulk orders and sales order processes.

Your company faces constant challenges:

  • Providing high quality products 
  • Production time reduction 
  • Optimal use of resources
  • Ensuring the competitiveness of the offer / products   

Properly selected and configured ERP system

Microsoft Dynamics 365 will not only support the entire process of your production (from contact with the customer, through the manufacture to issuing the invoice), but will also improve its real efficiency, improve the company’s financial results and allow shortening the time of processing and settling orders. All of this will make your business grow and become more competitive. 

Dynamics will allow you to run calculations and bidding, realize of all logistics and warehouse processes.  Microsoft Dynamics 365 will facilitate planning, managing and manufacturing. It will also support contact with customer, sales and invoicing process.  


Microsoft Dynamics 365 registers resources used in manufacturing process, such as parts, machines, operations and personnel. It allows defining, configure and register all operations. Thanks to versioning and content updating the system makes it easier to maintain production structures. Dynamics 365 supports production planning that the goods are always produced on time and in the desired quality. Production is registered in the system to ensure traceability under the factors of production, which is the basis for invoicing. ERP also monitors the costs of goods and resource consumption, enabling accurate total cost estimation. It also handles deviations and supports the administration of documentation, including operating instructions, product and measurement certificates. 

Thanks to Microsoft Dynamics 365 running the enterprise is getting simple and available. You can use offered solutions from every place on earth, you only need internet access. The system not only stores information about the company’s activities, it allows integration with external software, Business Intelligence (BI), portals and websites, Internet of things (IoT), etc. All this is available thanks to the API technology used in the system. 

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